About us

SyArt Founder
SyArt Gallery Manager & Art Curator
Passionate about visual arts, cinema and theater, she graduated from the “Francesco Grandi” State Institute of Art in Sorrento, continuing her studies at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University Institute in Naples, where in 2004 she graduated in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, focusing on the contemporary sector with a thesis on the importance of Peggy Guggenheim’s activity as a bridge between the art of European and non-European countries. Since 2005 she had have experiences in the contemporary art sector, she hold managerial roles in contemporary art galleries of international scope, such as the Miart Gallery based in Via Brera in Milan, also dealing with foreign relations and curatorship of exhibitions. She collaborates with universities and museums through interventions in conferences and debates. Since 2006 you have been a publicist in specialized magazines. In 2007 she curates the event promoted by the Campania Region Tourism and Cultural Heritage Department “Lucio del Pezzo in Positano”, on the occasion of the Positano Art Festival. In 2011 she took part in the “Valore Donna” exhibition at the Pinacoteca di Positano (Sa), with a speech “How to read a work of art”. In 2012 she is the author of the catalogue “Antonio Di Viccaro-Paesaggi italiani”, published by Iemme Edizioni, in co-edition with Mondo Arte, a magazine for which she curates several interventions. In 2014 she participates as a speaker at the English-language conference “The Italian Transavantgarde”, held in Brussels and where she, with the patronage of the Italian Cultural Institute, organizes a group show of Italian artists. Since 2018 she has been the curator of the “SyArt Sorrento Festival”, an event that takes place annually in the prestigious Villa Fiorentino, headquarters of the Sorrento Foundation. In the same year she opens the SyArt Gallery dedicated to contemporary art and located a few steps from the historic residence of Torquato Tasso, in the heart of Sorrento, also launching the “SyArt Sorrento Outdoor Museum” project, which is discussed internationally by the sector press and reported in 2019 to the Department of Architecture (DiARC) on the occasion of the round table “Artists in Architecture”, as a concrete example of planning at the service of society. In 2019 member of the jury of the call for residence “Art culture of food and landscape” of Massa Lubrense, a project to care for the built environment, born from an agreement between the Lubrensi Restaurant Association, the Department of Architecture (DiARC) of the of the Studies of Naples Federico II and the Municipality of Massa Lubrense. In the same year she curates the personal exhibition “Essenze” by Carmen Novaco, bringing contemporary art for the first time within the historic spaces of the Royal Galoppatoio of the Reggia di Portici. In 2021 at the National Archaeological Museum of Eboli and the Media Valle del Sele at the Sala Mangrella, she conferred on the conference entitled “In the sign of nature – Between art and architecture” in which she underlined the powerful suggestions that are generated by placing ancient and contemporary in dialogue, with young people at the center as human capital on which to build visionary and necessary projects. She also deals with training for Italian and international students with internships and dedicated courses. She participates in various dedicated trade fairs, including Miart in Milan, Kunstart in Bolzano, Arte Fiera in Bologna, Volta Art fair in New York. The following talk about her exhibitions curated by her: La Repubblica, Il Mattino, Corriere della Sera, Rome, Artribune, Exibart, Arbiter, Achtung mag, Corriere del Mezzogiorno, Il Giornale, La Stampa. Her activity as art curator continues in Italy and abroad. Since 2024 she has been managing the gallery independently.

SyArt Founder
Born in Sorrento but a world citizen, he worked as Manager and Sales Agent for Luxury Multinationals such as SSIH, CHOPARD and CORUM. At the same time he always followed his passion for history, culture and art, organizing events such as antique exhibitions, vintage watches and cars exhibitions. He has promoted the TERRA DELLE SIRENE Awar to promote the Southern culture. About ten years ago, thanks to a friend, he discovered the wonderful world of contemporary art and young artists, beginning a way that he no longer abandoned and led to the collaborations that created SyART – SORRENTO YOUNG ART. In 2024 he left gallery management to devote himself to the new curatorial project CASA LEOR.